Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Puppies

My Puppies
by Spencer Bednar, 8-28-2019

They are the color 
Of a faded penny,
But worth so much more.
My Blue and Red, 
My puppies
Who look like chicken nuggets
When curled up in slumber,
Dance like snoopy 
When water is sprayed,
Love ice cubes,
And Mom’s yarn balls.
Become crazy cat’s cradles
Wound around couch, chair and table,
Puppies paws 
Not as clever as fingers.
Return from Fire Tower Trail,
Eyes still ablaze with adventure 
As I smolder and hit the couch.  
I love them, they love me, 
Their eyes begging, ears cocked,
Whimpering like there’s a weekend
Worth of homework in front of them
As I walk into school each morning,
The feel of their cloud-like fur 
Upon my cheek, 
Arms empty until 2:30 
When the bell reunites, 
And I’m the bacon
In a puppy sandwich. 


  1. I came here out of curiosity after seeing the link on your mum's blog. So glad I did! This has made me enjoy your puppies with you.


  2. This is a wonderful poem about your dogs, Spencer! Good job.

    1. Spencer is thrilled you read it and liked it.

  3. I love the originality of the details you choose. Your poems sound like no one else's, which is wonderful. Keep being yourself when you write. This is a great poem and conveys completely the relationship between you and your dogs. Love the ending. Please keep on writing...

  4. I couldn't find any way to follow your blog, but I posted a link to your puppy poem on my Facebook page.

  5. Spencer, there have been a number of people who posted on my Facebook page how much they loved your poem. How can we follow your blog? I have a blog on Wordpress and would like to reblog your poem to get you more readers. Perhaps your mom could figure out how to make this happen.

    1. Thank you - I put a few different types of gadgets on his sidebar - hope this works. He was very excited with this feedback and is writing another poem right now. He has dyslexia and dysgraphia and this is just the best inspiration for him... he is VERY creative - sings in a youth choir through our local university and dances and loves to create things - and his imagination always warms my heart. I help him with his poetry in that I point out "weak" words and he goes to the thesaurus. Our technique is interesting (to me). He verbally talks and talks :) and I type it all down. Then he goes through it and creates a poem.
