Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Goodbye Summer

Goodbye Summer
by Spencer Bednar,  9-18-2019

Last day of freedom,
the sky, a pale blue ocean above my head,
clouds lazily dog-paddling like fish
or like white swans floating upon shimmering water.

Last year, two swans begged for bread, 
king and queen of small island
at center of lake.  This year, 
I’ve only seen ducks…
which I chased, rushing and flushing them.

The picnic was my choice
not mom’s veggies and stuff, 
but Doritos, pickles and a sub
with meat, cheese, and mustard,
and a sprinkle of lettuce. 
Ice cold soda would have made it
…. perfect. But Mom packed
“nutritious” water.

Like the puppies, Dad was a toddler,
not wanting to go down for a nap.  
I felt happy as we were soon 
bombarding each other with blasts
of water-gun wrath, running around trees,
and rolling down hills. 

The puppies, leashed, barked
and cheered us on. Mom read magazines,
snuck a BBQ chip or two (possibly 64).

In every story, there is a close,
or there won’t be a new adventure.  
My new beginning began the next day.
Sixth grade.


  1. Wonderful poem, Spencer! I was a child poet too (once upon a time – I will soon be 80). Adults kept telling me not to stop writing, and I would smile politely and think, 'As if I ever would!' And I didn't. So now I say it to you, whether I need to or not: please don't stop writing poetry. You've really got it. I hope I get to watch you develop for at least a few years yet.

    1. Writing does not come naturally to him - he has dyslexia and dysgraphia. But creativity does - he dictates a LOT of words to me and I help him condense and edit - which IS something we all need to learn to do :) Spencer says "Thank you".

  2. Spencer, Original lines like this one: "Like the puppies, Dad was a toddler,
    not wanting to go down for a nap." brand you as the find poet you are. Please keep on writing. You give a gift to all who read you. Judy

  3. Young man, you are a writer. I am impressed!

  4. Gah, the font makes my smiley look deformed!

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